To generate something like this:
# height is actual sub-plot height and aspect determine how wide each figure is
# sharey is set to False so each sub- plot has its own y-lim
g = sns.FacetGrid(test, row='cities',height=3, aspect=6, sharex=False, sharey=False)
# If not set xticks, all dates will be together and hard to see. So reset xticks and labels
g.set(xticks=np.arange(1,365,30), xticklabels=np.arange(1,365,30))
# Map lineplot to each facet, 'event_day_of_year', 'numbers', 'hue').set_titles("{row_name}")
# Add legend
# If not adjust, figure title will be overlapping with first sub-plot title
g.fig.suptitle('THIS IS FIGURE TITLE')
# Add vertical reference line
axes = g.fig.axes
for ax in axes:
Things learned
- When plotting, always make sure the columns are numerical.
- Manually sort x-axis numbers to make sure they will appear in the order you want.
- Sort hue column so the color for each element stays the same
- For hue and legend, I have [2017, 2018]. However when they are integer, seaborn will somehow generate 2016 in the legend. So I have to convert int to str.
When converting, had to use
df["hue"] = ["$%s$" % x for x in df["hue"]]
where the $…$ is a hack (with the side-effect of rendering the number in LaTeX) that prevents:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'view'
Other schemes such as “= %s” % x also work. (Reference)